Monday, September 15, 2008

Home in Vancouver WA . . .

After a 10-day hiatus, internet is hooked up once again, the boxes are unpacked, and we are enjoying our new apartment, sunny, bright, and quiet. Though it will be 91 today and 93 tomorrow, this last gasp of summer coming mid-September makes us want to go off to the movies and sit in air-conditioned comfort.

Minimalist living. How can I describe it? I have two pots to cook dinner in (including a frying pan). We bought chairs from Ikea AND assembled them ourselves. They are comfortable, and we're sleeping on an inflatable bed, which does have a depressing tendancy to deflate. Easily fixed. All else that I acquire at garage sales between now and December will go into storage to make setting up housekeeping (somewhere?) a little easier next time.

Sometimes I feel guilty for not working, though I'm working on writing projects. No volunteer work yet. And without my sewing machine, I feel a little lost. So, off to the library we go. Do we have reading lights in the living room??? Not yet!!! Here's home sweet home!

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